You can report any incident which took place at your school or in connection with it, whether that be on the way to or from school, at an after-school care group, in the class group chat or on social media. This includes all incidents in which you experienced or witnessed discrimination or right-wing content. In any case, it is better for you to contact us once too often than too little. Here are a few examples of discrimination at school:

A black pupil is insulted because of the colour of her skin and referred to as the N-word. A teacher says that she shouldn’t take it seriously; it was just a “joke”.

Right-wing symbols (e.g. a swastika or racist anti-Roma slur) have been drawn on the school toilet wall.

Someone at school shouts “Fucking foreigner” and gives the Nazi salute.

Memes that are derogatory towards Muslims are posted in the class group chat. Links are sent to videos claiming that things are controlled by “the Jews”, “Big Pharma” or “the elite”. “Funny” stickers of Hitler are created and shared. 

A pupil comes to class wearing an item of clothing with the neo-Nazi numerical code 88 on it. (You can find an overview of right-wing extremist codes and abbreviation here)

A teacher tells a pupil that he “is going nowhere anyway" and won't be allowed to attend the Gymnasium because he does not speak German as his first language. The pupil has good grades.

A Muslim pupil is banned from praying during break time. Religion is a “private matter”. 

A pupil with gay parents is repeatedly asked by the class teacher to explain how his family differs from "normal" families. 

A pupil with a hearing impairment is told that they can’t come on the school trip because it would require too much effort to make allowances for his impairment during the school trip.  

Is it discrimination?

Discrimination is when I’m treated differently or devalued, particularly on the grounds of...

  • ...the colour of my skin or ethnic background.
  • ...my genderor gender identity.
  • ...my sexualidentity or orientation.
  • ...my disability or illness.
  • ...my religion.
  • ...my language.
  • ...my social background.
  • ...my age.
  • ...my appearance.

Discrimination can take many different forms: exclusion, taunting, insults or physical assaults are just a few examples. 

If I’m discriminated against or witness discrimination, I can do something about it! I can get help and report discrimination, as I have the right to be treated fairly and without prejudice. And that includes at school!

A girl sitting hunched up and sad under a dark cloud. A boy with his hands over his head looking fearfully up at a dark lightning cloud.
A boy looking thoughtfully at his phone.

Right-wing content

Even if nobody is directly affected, right-wing, hostile or hate-inciting messages are not OK. 

For example, swastika graffiti in the school toilet, racist, anti-Semitic memes or memes relativising National Socialism in the class group chat, or right-wing extremist music in the playground. 

WHY should I REPORT it?


Your report will be documented anonymously and included in our statistics. No details that could be traced back to you will be published. Annual reports allow us to see how many incidents in total have taken place in Munich’s schools. This helps us to see where there is a need for improvement. For example, the ways in which discrimination can be prevented and the places where a democratic school environment needs to be promoted. 


By reporting an incident, you are helping to make discrimination and the spread of right-wing activities visible. Racism, anti-Semitism and incidents involving hostility towards other people are not isolated events; they occur in all areas of society - including schools. Documenting such incidents is therefore a key aspect of the work undertaken to ensure democracy. 

Taking action

We work together to combat discrimination and right-wing hate of any kind – whether based on ethnic origin, gender, religion or anything else. This is why every report is important! Discrimination, exclusion and symbols or content showing contempt for human dignity should never just be accepted!

Support and protection

It is important that you get help. You can get in touch with an advice centre directly or contact us.We will discuss how you can deal with the incident and what potential next steps are available to you. We believe you. We support you. We document these incidents, anonymously and free of charge.  

  • discuss matters with the school’s management or teachers
  • arrange for experts to come to your school to talk about racism or anti-Semitism
  • recommend and get in contact with a suitable advice centre.
Three young women wearing head scarves looking at their phones. Above them are speech bubbles containing a thumbs up, a heart and four dots.

Find help!

Five diverse young people with different skin tones and genders holding up stars that spell the word “Hilfe” (Help).

We — the municipal Office for Democracy — are here for you. We provide you with information and support, whether you have been affected directly, are a relative of someone who has been affected, or a witness. We document incidents and put people in touch with centres providing confidential counselling and other forms of help. We also advise schools (headteachers, teachers, parent council, pupil council, school social work team) on how to deal with racism, anti-Semitism and other forms of hostility towards specific groups of people.

You can contact us via e-mail demokratie.schule@muenchen.de or by phone: +49 (0)89/233 28443. 

If you are looking for advice from an advice centre that deals with a specific issue, we have compiled an overview for you here. 


Advice centre for those affected by right-wing, racist or anti-Semitic violence and discrimination in Munich
Tel +49 (0)89 / 46 224 670

Recherche- und Informationsstelle Antisemitismus Bayern
(RIAS Bayern)

Office for reporting anti-Semitic incidents
Tel.: +49 (0)162 2951 961

Sub –Schwules Kommunikations- und Kulturzentrum

Advice centre for (young) men who have experienced homophobic or transphobic incidents
Tel +49 (0)89 / 8563464-24

LeTRa Beratungsstelle des Vereins Lesbentelefon e.V.

 Advice centre for (young) gay, bi-sexual and transgender women who have experienced any form of violence or discrimination
Tel +49 (0)89 / 725 42 72


Advice centre for members of the Sinti or Roma community in Munich 
Tel +49 (0)89 / 7167 222 500


Advice centre for non-binary and transgender people
Tel +49 (0)89 / 54 333-0


Advice centre for girls* and young women*
Tel +49 (0)89 / 260 75 31

Gleichstellungsstelle für Frauen

Municipal advice centre for matters concerning gender-based discrimination and sexism
Tel +49 (0)89 / 233-92468

Koordinierungsstelle zur Gleichstellung von LGBTIQ*

Municipal advice centre for matters concerning sexual and gender identity
Tel +49 (0)89 / 233-23533

Fachstelle für Beratung & Antidiskriminierung

Municipal advice centre for those with a disability or a chronic illness
Tel +49 (0)89 / 233-21977

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